Last Wednesday John and I went to the doctor for our first appointment and ultrasound. Everything went great. The baby is measuring spot on (8 weeks and 2 days) with an official due date of August 9, 2010. The heart rate was around 163 beats per minute which is perfect. Our next appointment is at 12 weeks on January 27 and our next ultrasound is supposed to be around 18 weeks to see how the baby is growing and hopefully find out if it is a girl or a boy! As for me, I have been pretty sick. I got some nausea medicine at the doctor Wednesday and it seems to be helping a lot! I still get nausea spells, but no "loss of lunch" (if you know what I mean) since last week!! Here are a few pics from the ultrasound. The first is without an outline where the baby is (see if you can find it) and the second is the same view but with the baby outlined by the ultrasound technician. Enjoy!!

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