Sorry it took me so long to post again. Needless to say, we have been a little busy around here lately! I can't believe Jacob is already 1 month old! I know everyone tells you it goes by fast, and now I know what they mean!! He already seems so much older to me, in his level of alertness and his looks. His face especially has filled out and he is already wearing size 3 month clothes! What a chunk! He is starting to sleep better, the last 2 nights he ate at 10, slept 4 hours and ate at 2, then slept another 4 hours getting up at 6, I never thought I would be so happy to get up at 2 in the morning (and only at 2 in the morning)!! During the day he eats every 3 hours, staying awake for about 45 minutes at a time and then taking a nap. He doesn't "play" with much yet, but loves looking at your face and being talked to, he also likes to look at his play mat and his jingling lion toy! At his last doctor's appointment on August 27 (at 2 weeks 4 days) he weighed 7 pounds 15 ounces (25-50 percentile), was 21 1/2 inches long (75-90 percentile), and his head was 19 1/4 inches (25-50 percentile). His next appointment will be October 13 for his 2 month check and shots :(. I will try to be better about posting pictures and letting you know how we are doing!