Monday, July 20, 2009
So, some of you may know, John and I got a new puppy about 3 weeks ago. So far things are going really well. He rarely pees in the house anymore (he knows to pee when we take him out, but he doesn't know to ask to go outside yet, we still have to tell him about every 2 hours or so, or when he starts to sniff suspiciously) and he hasn't poo'd in the house since about the first week. We weren't really looking for a new puppy, we were at PetSmart getting Caly some food and happened by the adoption room and there were about 5 little puppies running around. They were all super cute and came from a litter of 9 (the lady only brought 5 cause I guess they were a handful). We went in just to see them and play with them and ended up leaving with the bigger, more rambunctious of the litter. We aren't exactly sure what he is, we think he is some part yellow lab, some part golden retreiver, and some part terrier (because his tail curls); the lady said the mom was about 40 pounds and was a stray they found pregnant, so we are thinking he will be a little smaller than Caly (she weighs 50 pounds) maybe around 35 or 40, we'll see. He weighed about 4 pounds at 6 weeks when we got him and weighted 9 pounds tonight. We got him because a.) he's really cute b.) Caly now has a playmate and isn't quite so all over us all the time c.) we're idiots!! are a few pics I took today of him, he turned 9 weeks old this weekend.

Las Vegas!!
As many of you know, John and mine 1 year anniversary was last month (sorry it took so long to post the pics!!) and we went on an anniversary/honeymoon trip (since we never took one) to Las Vegas!! We left on a Friday morning and came back on a Wednesday night. We had so much fun!! We basically slept in until 10 or 11 every day, went shopping, saw some shows, and were incredibly lazy...can't get much better than that!! We tried to go all out and stayed at the Bellagio (the hotel Ocean's Eleven was filmed in), it was super nice and the room was amazing!! We even upgraded to a view of the fountain's outside!! So every afternoon/night that we were in the room, we would leave the curtains open and when we would see the fountain's start we would run to the window and turn the tv to the channel with the music that went along and watch. It wasn't until we left that we even realized that we never watched the fountain's from street level, only from the room!! THe view from our room was great, we were across from Paris Paris and had a great view of the Eiffel Tower. We also saw two shows, Mystere by Cirque du Solei (spelling??) was amazing, we couldn't get over all the awesome things they were doing, and The Blue Man Group which was hilarious, we laughed the whole way through!! Anyway, I could go on forever. I put the pictures in a slideshow...Enjoy!!!
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